Three materials in Unity . Quill FBX drawing lit in Unity

Today's challenge: getting an FBX drawing from Quill into Unity. I wanted the lanterns I drew in Quill to import complete with colour and then to be lit in Unity.

Problem encountered...

I applied the Quill shader - to two separate materials, but the asset was not being lit by spot light

Test below to double check that the Quill FBX drawing would be able to pick up light in Unity.
Tested by applying a standard shader. It worked, but it meant that the file was missing the colours as created in Quill.

Asked for help on the Virtual Animation forum...
Below is a response:

I’ve used a separate double-sided shader from the Unity asset store, and I also tried out the lit shader (Smoothly-lit VR-Paint Shader for Unity, $15 on Gumroad). Both ways work.

Revisted the link below regarding Quill FBX into Unity.

Created additional material slots by double clicking on the asset in the scene window

Inspector>Materials>Size>(adjust amount depending on how many materials to apply).

Still no light shining on asset.

Conversation with Sean Yu to figure out why

"I am guessing it might be more effective and lighter if you using emission? Can you find a emission channel in quill shader?"

"Quill shader seems doesn't have all channels. Is it quill shader you have to use it or any other shaders are in scope? To make lantern looks like light in it, emission will be the best way to make it looks good as well as it lit too."

I dragged a new material onto the asset, with the intention of creating emission and noticed that the lanterns now retained the Quill shader, plus they captured the light from the spot light!

This means that I can be free to work intuitively and quickly in Quill, adding 'painted' light if I wish, but then being able to light Quill drawings in Unity. I'll aim to create the environment in Unity, including Quill drawings, 3D assets and various lighting techniques available in Unity.


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