Upgrade - Lauren Baker 14th november 2018

http://www.sgsah.ac.uk/research/ces17-18/headline_569885_en.htmlMaking a Difference - the longer term impact of Craft Scotland's international exhibition programme on a maker's career and Scotland's creative economy.....

Notes taken from Lauren Baker's upgrade...

  • One slide and about one minute's talk about my background and why I am doing a PhD?
  • What was my inspiration? Pete Eckert, Father's deafness
  • Find out what exhibitions there are world wide of blind photographers/film makers
  • Show what events have been attended
  • Screen shots of blog
  • Include evidence and details, photos, mind-mapping etc of what I have done to scope.
  • Show why I have considered X and discounted Y. 
  • Be clear on why I have chosen what I have and what I've discounted and my reasoning
  • Consider longitudinal study of participants in year two - how many participants...1,2...5? 
  • Workshops in year two to reflect findings
  • What is my actual research?
  • What models and tools can measure impact?
  • Include responsible and ethical research course
  • Be very detailed and specific
  • Include two timelines - year 1 and year 2
  • What will be the impact on industry? Community? Beneficiaries? Academia?
  • Which discipline in academia will see this impact?
  • Which journal can I envisage publishing in?


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