Process of a phd

Following the Complete Researcher Launchpad OPD training day yesterday, I've reviewed the Research Degrees Quality code. Notes posted relating to the Viva process and Thesis requirements..

The process that you follow in your research will vary according to the type of work that you are undertaking. A brief outline of a typical process for postgraduate research is outlined below:

1. Application and acceptance as a postgraduate research student
2. Meeting with supervisor / supervisory team
3. Identifying research topic
4. Literature/contextual review
5. Developing a hypothesis/focussing the research topic
6. Deciding on an appropriate research strategy
7. Development of the research project using appropriate methods
8. Preparing work for exposition / exhibition
9. Preparing and delivering papers at conferences or for publication
10. Analysing and interpreting the information or reflecting on the work
11. Preparing the body of work to conclude the research degree (for example writing up a thesis, preparing an exposition, developing a website etc) In addition, you will take part in the following:
12. Thesis monitoring
13. Upgrade Procedure
14. Pre-Viva Voce examination arrangements
14. Viva Voce examination
15. Post-Viva Voce examination arrangements


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