phd standards and quality requirements
Following the Complete Researcher Launchpad OPD training day yesterday, I've reviewed the Research Degrees Quality code. Notes posted relating to the Viva process and Thesis requirements..
The University of Dundee has fully implemented the Scottish Credit and Qualification
Framework (SCQF) for its academic awards and all research degrees are assessed and
approved in the context of regulations that reflect the framework level descriptors – Level
11 for research masters degrees (MPhil, LLM (R), MLitt (R) & MSc(R) and Level 12 for
doctoral degrees.
The PhD Degree regulations reflect the SCQF Level 12 descriptors and all doctoral
candidates and supervisory team members must be aware of the assessment criteria for
doctoral research degrees before undertaking research or supervision.
Extract from the PhD Regulations:
The Degree is granted upon the basis of satisfying all of the following characteristic outcomes:
The creation and interpretation of new knowledge and understanding, through original research, or
other advanced scholarship, of a quality to satisfy peer review, extend the forefront of the discipline,
and merit publication.
A systematic acquisition, understanding and interpretation of a substantial body of knowledge which
is at the forefront of an academic discipline or area of professional practice.
Enhancement Tip – Indicator 16
All research students must understand the degree regulations and the standards required for a
research masters or doctoral degree. Some Thesis Monitoring Committees help students to
understand how their research and final thesis will be assessed by indicating how work‐inprogress
submitted to the Committee compares to the standard required for that level of study.
The general ability to conceptualise, design and implement a project for the generation of new
knowledge, applications or understanding at the forefront of the discipline.
An appropriate level of understanding of applicable techniques for research and advanced academic
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