Unity tutorials
Unity tutorials -
Having met Sean Yu last Wednesday and discussing the merits of using Dreams PS4 compared to Unity, I've decided to use Dreams to rough out environments, in the absence of getting Oculus Quest headset, but to get straight into Unity now and once I can get back into university (COViD restrictions in place at present) I can then test the environments.
Tutorials completed today include Editor basics, using the transformation tools, UI, understanding the roles of the Hierarchy panel (similar to the 'outliner' in Maya), Scene panel for perspective editing mode and play mode, Project window which displays all assets (this works like windows explorer filing system - rather than the term 'assets' which would cover models for example in something like Maya) and Inspector panel (to adjust settings).
Duplicating objects and using the prefab setting, changing scripts....screen grabs below. Good to duplicate prefab rooms and to link them with access doors. Ideas for artists worlds....
Next steps: creating a VR escape room
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