Thematic Analysis_Phase 3 - searching for themes - Sally Interview - iteration 4 - Coding Memo_014

Iteration 4 - coding Memo 01. 
Began with collating semantic codes into the potential sub-themes identified in iterations 2 & 3 (coding memos 12 and 13). See below for progression of iteration 4...

Initial attempt at sub-themes. Realised this was convergent thinking and getting too rigid and broad. 
Continued below....

Grouped all of the potential sub-themes onto one slide....
Began by taking one sub-theme at a time (in this case 'creative practice liberators'), reading through the data codes "to re-focus the analysis at the broader level of themes; by sorting the different codes into potential themes and collating all the relevant coded data extracts within the identified themes"
  • Braun, V., Clarke V. Using thematic analysis in psychology. Qualitiative research in psychology 2006 Jan 1;3(2):77-101
Potential themes:  Creative liberators   Creative inhibitors  Understanding and Awareness


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