Data analysis_Critical Reflection_Coding Memo_030 (20a) - Aaron - Phase 2. Generating initial codes

Process and flow of coding ideas:
Phase 2: Generating initial codes

Revisiting the verbatim coded extracts and codes. First round of codes were too scant (in brackets) and did not stand alone. Revisited and re-coded (in orange) to now include context and expand understanding or intention that will lead to the creation of cohesive sub-themes in later phases of reflexive thematic analysis.

Sonic art is created as a deliberate choice rather than a result of sight loss
Trees can be identified by their sound
Seasons sound different due to leaf quantity
Leaves on trees have subtle sonic differences
Few professions include or require training of listening; in general people do not listen
Navigation of the landscape is possible by listening and identifying sound
Art and design places more importance on the visual – rather than other senses
Classical architecture encourages creative expression
Sonic interactive objects are designed to encourage focus and contemplation
Background noise is a distraction and an interference when it comes to listening to music
Interactive art inanimate. The responsibility is on the observer to interact and reflect
Artwork can represent senses other than the visual
Concert halls are designed for the purpose of listening; they are preferred as a dedicated space for listening –

To be continued….


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