Data Analysis_Critical Reflection_Coding Memo_004. 27 April 2020. Sally Interview 20 Jan 2020. Phase 2. Generating initial codes

Process and flow of coding ideas:
Generating Initial Codes:

Began to copy paste verbatim extracts into the slide ‘cognitive thoughts that do not require sight’ and revisited the transcript, whilst listening to the audio. Discovered errors and missed dialogue and began to clean up and correct. Avoided the temptation to skim through and spent time listening and reading simultaneously. Ideas began to form and I looked again at my blog post about ‘Thematic Analysis and Introduction'. Focused on the definitions of Latent and Semantic Codes and looked again at the transcript whilst listening to the audio tapes. Also considered the social context and looked at what that means in terms of sight-loss in the UK. Found some papers from Abertay university – including Thurston, M. (2014). “They think they know what’s best for me”: an interpretative phenomenological analysis of the experience of inclusion and support in high school for vision-impaired students with albinism. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, 61(2), 108-118.
Created slides for latent codes and semantic codes.

Initial latent codes identfied today:

Anonymity allows for observation, privacy and mistakes

Cultural difference between social and inquisitive Glasgow and Anonymous Indifferent London, affects confidence and a sense of freedom.

Being visible is unwelcome and intimidating. Being unobtrusive is creatively liberating.

Rushed and hurried practice, in heavily populated commuter environments, requires preparation.

Not being intrusive or imposing either creatively or physically.

Site specific practice is performative and not anonymous. But is protected by a bubble and public and able to visit.

Seeing, being watched eye-to-eye contact is uncomfortable for both sighted and non-sighted

Sighted people are unaware, not noticing and are preoccupied.

Discreet and unobtrusive site-based art is solitary and private. Performance public engagement art is controlled and safe.

The artist can not be seen to be looking or watching.


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