
Showing posts from October, 2019

Photoshop Photobashing Concept Art

Photobashing in Photoshop - Concept Art China Town Street Market

Unity Octane Renderer Node Graph

Octane Renderer in Unity - node graph

Concept Art - Photobashing

Hue Saturation tool  @2:18 eyedropper select. Adjustment layer and masks to apply on top of layers. To adjust colours and values Blending modes @4:27 - also lasso select and set to normal. Apply adjustment layer Transform tool and perspective grid @5:11 Masks lasso tool erase (black) to reappear (white) @6:27. Tool presets for brushes.   Press Alt key and hover pen above tablet to turn lasso into organic non-straight lasso tool.  Link/unlink tool moves layer and mask independently Gradient tool to add depth @8:52 Transparency setting at approx 30% Tool presets @11:16 easy access to pre-set brushes. Un-tick include colour Match colour @8:59 Place image colours to be referenced from. Image >Adjustments>Match Colour Colour dodge @ 11:52. Soft airbrush, then type - brush blending mode colour dodge. Creates blown highlights. Set at 30% opacity Come up with mood plan, for how I want the viewer to fee...

PBR (Physically Based Rendering) sample scene in Octane/Unity

PBR (Physically Based Rendering)  - the process of shading and rendering, demonstrated using  Octane rendering software's sample scene in Unity. Screen shot shows PBR target (seen on the hierarchy panel on the left - equivalent of the Outliner in Maya) and then the 'Kernal' settings on the right. Select 'Info Channels Kernel' and then 'type' to view 'z depth', wireframe, diffuse, reflection, render layers etc For render passes, select 'PBR Target (left) and Render Passes (Right) Passes show in PBR viewport tab immediately For Render Passes export - click on PBR viewport icons and select green arrow with multiple squares to expand a dialogue box Camera settings - above 'thin lens camera'. Below 'panoramic' good for VR. Use Stereo Output (lower down) and select over-under for stereo image in VR Working with materials in Octane. In Octane installer scene, right click and 'create' new material. Rename ...

Prep for concept art

Testing in prep for concept art. Exporting a scene including assets, camera and lights from Maya to Unity.

Ethical Approval Obtained - 19th October 2019


Light for the Blind: UPGRADE DOCUMENT
