Supervisor meeting # 14 (year 3) 01 Dec 2020


Supervisory meeting #14 notes
  • Request and additional note on my TMC document, to support funding application for a graphics card.
  • Consider SketchFab as a portal for upload of 3D rotational storyboard . Also as a possible portal for dissemination
  • I raised the potential copyright and licensing issue, if I represent (in an abstract way) well known brands in an animated Neon Piccadilly Circus. Contact the IP officer, the Library and Learning Centre at UoD, the Research and Innovation services.
  • Virtual package name....Verbatim VR with associated volumes (thesis)
  • Check with Fiona Fyffe-Lawson regarding word count, both minimum and maximum for the volumes
  • Send a slide of the volumes structure to Fraser and Caroline in the next couple of weeks
  • Get an example of a practice-based PhD to read, John McGhee
  • Possible external exmainers and John McGhee. Consideration will need to be given to time zone.
  • Possible internal examiners - Chris Lim.
  • Possible moderators - Mary Modeen, Shaleph O'Neil
  • Viva likely to be online
  • Contact external examiner by March.
  • Discussed different worlds in VR. Sally's line. David's black and white negative space. Aaron's photorealism, rain, light, city at night, transition to animation, stillness and darkness.


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