
Showing posts from June, 2019

Unity training - building packages. With Sean Yu 21st June 2019

Make sure Steam VR is imported into library  Select Steam VR> Prefab>Camera Rig>Drag into scene Camera shows up as a blue plane and a outline cube (white skeletal box, represents height) Select the Y axis and rotate to face character Set up two tabs. One for scene and one for game (similar to tear off in Maya) Drag or right click to create additional tabs Camera - TARGET DISPLAY IN INSPECTOR SETTINGS To Build File > Build Settings Architecture > 64 bit (or depending on computer) Player settings > VR supported (tick box) Open VR SAVE Build settings > build and run Make folder e.g build_text >  File name > build_test_v001

VR training with Caroline Erolin - suggested reference ideas

Fisherman's Tale VR. Plays with scale, and includes a model replica world within the VR world Allumette - full animation in VR. Pretty gloomy and passive. No interaction and boring.

Call with Rosita McKenzie - Blind Photographer Edinburgh 17th June 2019 Call, notes: Interested Fiona Powell (friend) maybe interested too. Rosita to enquire Scene Scotland, Glasgow - deal with disabled artists Trained as a disability consultant, London. Involved with access and disability No sight since a child Began photography in 2006. No training. Experimental Requires others to help open shutter etc Runs workshops to teach sighted people photography. Uses sim specs for the sighted to understand blindness/visual impairment Mentioned app 'be my eyes' Involved with artwalkporty - open house etc in Portobello Edinburgh Sculpture workshop, participated for years Touch workshop for the blind and sighted

Beano Studios Game Jam - Abertay University

Team: Lynn Parker - Abertay University Stuart Anderson - Abertay University Andrea McSwan - University of Dundee Jung In Jung - University of Dundee Dominic Smith - University of Dundee Beano Studio Game Jam. Animated slime! After Effects animated path - very rough animation. 1 hour Testing slime as a conductive material! Testing the prototype

Light for the Blind: Bobblehead test_v01

Using the Mixamo character builder, with pre-animated .fbx files. Tests using the fantasy animations, flame throwing, sword fighting and idle poses!

Photographic storyboard _ 12th June

Pop-up book in VR Teleport into 3D VR world Library - for data findings Blind Artist's studios Teleport into studios to 'meet the artist' Characters to be Bobbleheads and to be in likeness to case-study artists Viewer to pick up and wear a transparent 'orb' within the VR world (as per Steam Lab above) to teleport Once wearing the orb, the viewer can experience the world of the blind artist - through their eyes. Experience to include pre-animated bobbleheads, with voice-overs recorded from case-study Interactive animated, VR experience

Supervisor meeting # 07 (year 1) 13th June 2019

Andrea McSwan PhD Research Year 1   Light for the Blind: Exploring 3D Animation and Immersive Digital Film, to Represent the Perceptual-Experiences of the Blind   Supervisor Meetings:   Date :  13 June 2019 -    Meeting no : 7   Present : Fraser Bruce (2 nd ) Caroline Erolin (3 rd ) Andrea McSwan (Student)   Tasks set and completed since last meeting: (0 6 M ay 2019)   Upgrade document chapters in progress   Context. Literature and practice reviewed - continuing   Volunteering – reading at the Reminiscence Group at the Blind Society continuing   May 17 th – attend ed the Blind Dog Training centre in Forfar . Lots of rules for Guide Dogs, don’t want the animation to be driven by that.   May 28 th – Skype call with Dr Simon Hayhoe , Bath University. Citing his papers and he is happy to be in regular contact .   May 29 th – phone call with David Johnso...

RNIB Edinburgh - Research Visit 12th June 2019

Notes: Alan McIntyre -blind artist.  Meeting with RNIB's East of Scotland volunteer Daniel Meikle (blind) and Scotland Community Facilitator, Jane Coates (sighted) Fully supportive of any public engagement or workshop events that this research project will involve Will offer training sessions for staff and facilitate workshops Excited about project and can see that it could grow 'arms and legs' They will introduce blind artist 'clients' to the project too

Scottish Sensory Centre - Research Visit with Dr John Ravenscroft - 12th June 2019

Research visit to the Scottish Sensory Centre, Dr John Ravenscroft 12th June 2019. Notes: Ravenscroft, J. (2019). The Routledge Handbook of Visual Impairment: Social and Cultural Research, Routledge. Suggested chapter 2 for philosophies. John Kennedy - Sighted and writes from the perspective of blind artist. Main academic regarding blind artists David Feeney - Hope University Liverpool. Writes about art/art world, visually impaired Simon Hayhoe - (contact established already) CVI - Cerebral (Cortical) Visual Impairment  "Interesting notion of representation" Gordon Dutton  - Retired, Glasgow . World expert on CVI. Maybe a keynote speaker for Public Engagement? Check for papers written with Sylvie Chokron Vision and the brain - Gordon Dutton and Amanda Lewick? CVI Artists to be researched. Or artists with cerebral palsy, dorsal stream damage Journals  https://journals.sagep...

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