Quill shader and post-processing in Unity

Great phone call in Virtual Animation Discord forum with Nick Saunders, about how to import Quill into Unity with the Quill colour shader, so that the mesh can reflect and react to light.


Import a capsule into Unity - represents a good head height for a VR camera

Imported Quill mesh, click on the fbx file in the project window (with the fly out arrow) - this brings up the inspector on the right with Model/Rig/Animation/Materials tabs.

Set scale factor to '200'. Quill exports with two materials per mesh, but it's not.

Drag Quill shader onto mesh. Double-sided 'yes'.

Unpack prefab - right click on mesh in hierarchy and click unpack prefab

The Quill shader is unlit, meaning it cannot react to light.

To make the mesh react to light...

Right click and create new folder 'Materials' import new asset>Standard Vertex Shader>right click create material>drag standard vertex shader on to material>drag onto mesh. 

(I clicked on the fly-out fbx file to bring it up in the inspector. Then clicked in the project list for materials and selected Standard Vert Shader - drag into option box. Click apply)

Takes on the appearance of a blinn material in Maya.

If post-processing with the post-processing stack, go to build settings, 

File>build settings>player settings>graphics>(set Scriptable Render Pipeline Settings to None) - the Quill shader will not work with universal renderer.

Install post-processing from Window>Package Manager. Each project has it's own installs - installs are not the same as Maya plugins for example and do not import and then show up in every project. Download for each individual project.

Once post-processing is imported, go to the main camera in the hierarchy

Add component 
Post-process layer - select Layer 'Everything' from drop down
Add component
Post- process volume - enable 'Is Global'
Profile - new (creates new camera profile)

Add effect > Unity > select option. e.g bloom - click the small 'All' and play with intensity

As bloom effects affect the entire mesh, creative problem solving is required to have only certain elements in the scene to be emmissive.
Duplicate the material that has the standard vertex shader. Drag onto whatever part of the mesh you want, click on the shader in project window and see in the inspector. Play with the emission.
Fake light emission with a point light - baked into light maps.
E.g create a cube>apply a material>click on cube in hierarchy to reveal inspector>enable 'static' in top box.
Window >rendering>lighting settings (need to have another call!)


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